Sampadha Life Savings
Best Suited for SIPs. A balanced approach for wealth creation and preservation of life savings.
Why should you invest in this smallcase?
Selected across asset and sub asset classes, which can give a very fine and balanced approach to your hard earned savings.
Best suited for all medium to Long term investors who want to invest a balanced approach across asset classes with frequent and regular balancing across DEBT, GOLD, Domestic and International equities.
Carefully and hand picked ETFs are considered while selecting this small case with average daily traded values and volumes, asset classes, sectors and themes.
- Defining the universe
- All publicly traded ETFs on the National Stock Exchange of India are included in the universe.
The team does in-depth research to decide the criteria to be used for constituent screening especially from ETF space.
Constituent Screening
The research team does individual ETF picking after going through the expense ratios, annual portfolio turnovers, Assets under management, daily and monthly Average traded value of the ETFs for the respective strategy.
Following parameters are considered while assigning weights to individual components in this smallcase.
Balanced approach across Asset classes, sub asset classes are considered
Domestic Debt, Gold, Indian market cap based equity ETFs, International market cap and demographic based ETFs, Select sectors and themes are selected to give a good balanced approach
Daily and Monthly average traded values, and highly traded ETFs are hand picked
Frequent re balancing is done to smooth the journey of wealth appreciation, and preservation
This smallcase has a quarterly rebalance schedule. Once every quarter, the research team reviews this smallcase and realign the weights with the selected asset allocation strategy for the next quarter.
Asset Allocation
The final screened ETFs are then weighted according to the selected and targeted asset allocation.