Sampadha’s Life Savings ETF basket
Life savings ETF basket is best suited for SIP. The product maintains a balanced approach for wealth creation and preservation of life savings. The basket is derived based on the popular strategy of ALL-WEATHER INVESTING that ensures your investments do well in good as well as bad times. This is a long-term investment strategy that can be used to build wealth over the years to come. The basket also captures technical factors like size, value, volatility, etc. making them the cost and tax-efficient structures.
The objective of the strategy is long-term capital appreciation.
Product / Strategy suitability
The strategy is suitable for Medium to Long term investors who want
- To invest with a balanced approach across asset classes with frequent and regular balancing across debt, gold, domestic and international equities.
- To build an equity ETF basket/holdings based on technical and quantitative parameters.
- A stable capital appreciation on their investments over the long term.
- To build a Multi-asset ETF basket/holdings based on technical and quantitative parameters.
- To earn moderate returns in the long term by investing in multi-asset and sub-asset classes.
- To take the low risk for moderate returns in the long term
About the strategy
- All publicly-traded ETFs on the National Stock Exchange of India are included in the universe.
- Our team conducted in-depth research to decide the criteria used for constituent screening of the ETF space. Proprietary liquidity filters are applied to select the ETFs and the screening is based on relevance to the theme of the basket.
- Our research team does individual ETF picking and assigns the weights after going through the expense ratios, annual portfolio turnovers, assets under management, daily and monthly average traded value, volumes, asset classes, sectors, and themes of the ETFs.
Review & Rebalancing
The strategy has a quarterly rebalance schedule. Once in every quarter, our research team reviews the basket and realigns the weights with the selected asset allocation strategy for the next quarter. The final screened ETFs are then weighted according to the selected asset allocation algorithm.
What to expect?
- Steady capital appreciation over the long term.
- Equity as an asset class has the best potential to beat inflation in the long run and generate long-term wealth.
- Debt as an asset class has the potential to preserve capital during volatile periods and has the potential to give returns in line with inflation, and will act as a wealth preserver and create stable returns over the long run.
- Gold is the most preferred by Indians as an asset class and has the potential to preserve capital during high inflationary periods in the short term. Gold also generates uncorrelated returns with other asset classes during volatile periods.
- With a systematic approach, we use Technical and Quantitative Analyses and utilize the empirical data for the selection of the ETF basket.